
Publicado  Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Locked box
I have this box that’s always locked

For I cannot find the key I need to open

Curiosity is starting to get to me

For in this box are the things I hide

For the emotions and memories I cannot face

For I have locked them away for too long

I search and search for the key I need

To unlock the emotions I hide away

So I cannot face the pain I feel

I find the key of which I seek

My heart begins to race

I’m scared to open the lock of the box

I face the fear I feel inside me

Open the lock that has began to fade

Over time of no use

The emotions are flowing out

Hitting me one by one

Like a physical blow

For I’ve hidden them away for so long

They started to build up on top of the other

For you shouldn’t hide away from the world

I now face emotions one by one

Slowly erasing the bad memories

And embracing the good ones