Islamic names

Publicado  Thursday, December 16, 2010

NameGenderName Meaning
AabanMaleName of the Angel; A Beautiful Islamic Name.
AadilMaleJust, Upright; One of good Islamic Names
AaleeMaleSublime; high precious Islamic Name
AahilMalePrince; One of beautiful Islamic Names
AalamMaleWorld; well known Islamic Name
AaqibMaleFollower; from collection fo Islamic Names
A'idah{Female}Guest, the one who's returning; one of best Islamic Names
A'ishah{Female}Wife of the Prophet (SAW); historical Islamic Name
A'shadieeyah{Female}Princess, cute, perfect; one of most meaningful Islamic Names
Aa'idah{Female}Name of a narrator of hadith; powerful Islamic Name
Aabgeena{Female}Mirror, Glass; from Islamic Names collection
Aabidah{Female}Worshipper of Allah; an Islamic Name from Quran