10 Useless Matters

Publicado  Sunday, October 17, 2010

1. Knowledge that is not acted on.

2. The deed that has neither sincerity nor is based on following the righteous examples of others.

3. Money that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter.

4. The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah, and of seeking closeness to Him.

5. A body that does not obey and serve Allah.

6. Loving Allah without following His orders or seeking His pleasure.

7. Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seizing opportunities to do good.

8. A mind that thinks about useless matters.

9. Serving those who do not bring you close to Allah, nor benefit you in your life.

10. Hoping and fearing whoever is under the authority of Allah and in His Hand; while he cannot bring any benefit or harm to himself, nor death, nor life; nor can he resurrect himself.

However, the greater of these matters are wasting the heart and wasting time. Wasting the heart is done by preferring this worldly life over the Hereafter, and wasting time is done by having incessant hope. Destruction occurs by following one’s desires and having incessant hope, while all goodness is found in following the right path and preparing oneself to meet Allah.

How strange it is that when a servant of Allah has a (worldly) problem, he seeks help of Allah, but he never asks Allah to cure his heart before it dies of ignorance, neglect, fulfilling one’s desires and being involved in innovations. Indeed, when the heart dies, he will never feel the significance or impact of his sins.

Shawne Merriman

Publicado  Thursday, October 14, 2010

Outside linebacker Shawne Merriman(notes), already one of the most-feared players in the NFL, was placed on the afflicted assets account because of a dogie abrasion and a “minor-injury designation” on Wednesday. Merriman have to be appear already he’s healthy, the aggregation said.
Technically, the Chargers could re-sign the arguable player. That about absolutely won’t happen, though, because accepted administrator A.J. Smith hasn’t been a fan of Merriman’s celebrity-leaning lifestyle. Known as “Lights Out” because of his once-ferocious hits, Merriman had 39 1/2 sacks in his aboriginal three seasons. He’s had alone four in the three seasons back again due to a array of injuries.
He was abeyant for four amateur in 2006 afterwards testing absolute for steroids. Even missing the four games, he had 17 sacks that year. Merriman abhorrent the absolute analysis on a attenuated supplement, which he never identified.
He aswell brought exceptionable absorption off the field. He was arrested just afore the 2009 division afterwards absoluteness television brilliant Tila Tequila accused him of array and apocryphal imprisonment at his burghal San Diego home. No accuse were filed, and Merriman and Tequila acclimatized dueling lawsuits.
Merriman absent a lot of of the 2008 division afterwards ability reconstructive knee surgery. He had four sacks endure year as he approved to achieve his accent form. Afterwards sitting out a lot of offseason workouts and allotment of training affected to beef his arrangement status, he was slowed by an Achilles’ abrasion and again a dogie injury.
He had alone 5 tackles and no sacks in bound activity this year.
Smith didn’t acknowledgment a alarm gluttonous comment.
Merriman, who’s been on the trading block for some time, beneath to animadversion if contacted via e-mail.
However, a arranger appear a account in which Merriman was quoted as saying, “I am abutting this bearings as an befalling to abound as a amateur and to accompany my administration and talents to a new organization. I am accessible for the next affiliate in my career and I am aflame about the befalling to abide my adventure with a new team.”
Coach Norv Turner said he doesn’t anticipate Merriman’s contempo injuries were accompanying to his knee anaplasty two years ago.

John Elway


Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway and a business accomplice invested $15 actor with a hedge-fund administrator who was afresh arrested for active a Ponzi scheme.
The Denver Post appear that the two invested $15 actor with Sean Mueller in March with the compassionate that the money would be placed in a assurance until a final accommodation was fabricated about area it would be invested.
About 65 humans had invested $71 actor with Mueller over the accomplished decade. Yet in April, Mueller alone had $9.5 million, according to a accompaniment investigator. He angry himself in to authorities on Wednesday on accuse of racketeering, balance artifice and theft, and is getting captivated in bastille on $2 actor bond.
Elway and his accomplice accept asked that their affirmation be candy advanced of any added investors' because their $15 actor was declared to be placed in a trust, not affiliated with the money of the blow of the barrier fund. According to an April filing, $12 actor of Elway's money was placed into a Morgan Stanley assurance account, as expected. The added $3 actor has gone missing.
Since backward from football, Elway's claimed activity has veered against the tragic. His ancestor died of a affection attack, his accompanying sister anesthetized abroad due to blight and his wife larboard him all in a amount of 15 months.

Islamic corner


The end of every living thing in this universe is death… nothing can escape it. Allah (I) says:
(Whatsoever is on it [the earth] will perish. * And the Face of your Rubb full of Majesty and Honor will abide forever.) [55:26-7]
However much man tries to avoid it, he will never be able to. Allah (I) says:
(Say (to them): ‘Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you, then you will be sent back to (Allah), the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do.’) [62:8]
Whatever man does to prolong his life; he would not be able to, since it is something which is set and prescribed. Allah (I) says:
(And every nation has its appointed term; when their term is reached, neither can they delay it nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment).) [7:34]
Allah (I) challenges men and jinn who doubt the existence of Allah, the Creator, Who created them, with the following:
(Then why do you not (intervene) when (the soul of a dying person) reaches the throat? And you at the moment are looking on. But We [i.e. Our angels who take the soul] are nearer to him than you, but you see not. Then why do you not, if you are exempt from the reckoning and recompense [punishment, etc.], bring back the soul (to its body), if you are truthful?) [56:83-7]
Upon death, everyone will believe, but they will not have the opportunity to return to this world and do good deeds. Allah says:
(Until, when death comes to one of them [those who join partners with Allah], he says: ‘My Rubb! Send me back. So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!’ No! It is but a word that he speaks, and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected.) [23:99-100]
Only Allah knows when and where man will die. Allah (I) says:
(Verily, with Allah alone rests the knowledge when the last hour will come; and He (it is who) sends down rain; and He (alone) knows what is in the wombs; whereas no one knows what he will reap tomorrow, and no one knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah (alone) is All-Knowing, All-Aware.) [31:34]
Death is of two types; greater and lesser. Greater death is when the soul departs the body without returning to it. The lesser death is sleep; when the soul departs the body and returns to it thereafter. Allah (I) says:
(It is Allah who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply.) [39:42]

Islamic corner

Publicado  Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Here are some men and women
who mocked God

Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil ):

During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.

Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.

Cazuza (Bio-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):

During A show in Canecio ( Rio de Janeiro ),

while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:'God, that's for you.'

He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.

The man who built the Titanic

After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.

With an ironic tone he said:

'Not even God can sink it'

The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic
Bon Scott (Singer)

The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC.
On one of his 1979 songs he sang:

'Don't stop me; I'm going down all the way, down the highway to hell'.

On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.

In Campinas , Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend.....

The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:

'My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.'

She responded: 'Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here.....It's Already Full '

Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died,

the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.

The police said there was no way the trunk
could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken

Pass this message
Hope that you don't ignore and let Allah {God} bless you.
And remember seek Him whilst He may be found!!!
“Do not walk proudly on the earth; your feet cannot tear apart the earth nor are you as tall as the mountains
(Holy Qur’an, 17:37)."
“He {God} does not love the proud ones
(Holy Qur’an, 16:23)."
“Is not hell the dwelling of the arrogant ones?
(Holy Qur’an, 39:60)"


Publicado  Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A story tells that two friends

were walking
through the desert
During some point of the
Journey they had an
Argument, and one friend
Slapped the other one
In the face.
The one who got slapped
was hurt, but without
saying anything,
wrote in the sand:

They kept on walking
until they found an oasis,
where they decided
to take a bath.
The one who had been
slapped got stuck in the
mire and started drowning,
but the friend saved him.
After he recovered from
the near drowning,
he wrote on a stone:

The friend who had slapped
and saved his best friend
asked him, "After I hurt you,
you wrote in the sand and now,
you write on a stone, why?"
The other friend replied
"When someone hurts us
we should write it down
in sand where winds of
forgiveness can erase it away.
But, when someone does
something good for us,
we must engrave it in stone
where no wind
can ever erase it."
They say it takes a
minute to find a special
person, an hour to
appreciate them, a day
to love them, but then
an entire life
to forget them.

Take the time to live!

Do not value the THINGS
you have in your life. But value
WHO you have in your life!
" Happiness is not something you find, it's something you create…"

'Life Is Too Short To Waste Time Hating Anyone'



Oh the Valley of Kashmir !
Now the beauty of your melting snow,
Looks as if the hills are weeping;
The fascinating scene of swirling streams,
Gives an image of tears falling in torrents.
The winds and breezes blowing from you -
Known in the world as the Paradise on earth,
Are no more soothing to heart and soul,
They sound like the Nature’s anguished sigh.
The patches of blood on your soil,
The shrieks and cries of the victims of rape;
The bodies of your young, riddled with bullets,
Are speaking aloud of your gory tale

Islamic corner


Wake Up For Fajr Salaah
A man woke up early in order to Pray the Fajr Prayerin the masjid.
He got dressed, made his ablution and was on his way to the masjid.
On his way to the masjid, the man fell and his clothes got dirty.

He got up, brushed himself off, and headed home. At home,
He changed His Clothes,made his ablution, and was, again,
on his way to the masjid.

On his way to the masjid, He Fell again and at the Same Spot!
He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home...
At home he, once again, Changed His Clothes,
made his ablution and was on his way to the masjid.

On his way to the masjid, He Met a Man Holding a La mp.
He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I Saw You Fall Twice
on your way to the masjid,
So I Brought a Lamp so I can Light Your Way.'
The first man thanked him profusively and the
two where on their way to the masjid.

Once at the masjid, the first man asked the man with
the lamp to come in and pray Fajr with him.
The second man refused.
The first man asked him a couple more times and,
again, the answer was the same.
The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.
He man replied

I am Shetaan(devil/ evil)

The man was shocked at this reply.
Shetan went on to explain,
'I saw you on your way to the masjid and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the masjid,
Allah forgave all of your sins.
I made you fall a second time, and even that
did not encourage you to stay home,
but rather, you went back on your way to the masjid.
Because of that, Allah forgave all the sins
of the people of your household.
I was AFRAIDif i made you fall one more time,
then Allah will forgive the sins of the people of your village,
so I made sure that you reached the masjid safely..'

So do not let Shetan benefit from his actions.
Do not put off a good that you intended to do as
you never know how much reward
you might receive from the hardships you encounter
while trying to achieve that good.

If forwarding this messagewill bother you, or take
too much time from you, then don't do it, but you will not get the reward of it, which is great.
that when you forward this, you receive good deeds, and so will I for sending it to you! Wouldn't it be easy just to
Press Forward ' and receive this Reward?
May Allah (Subhana Ho Wataallah) grant us a perfect Muslim Heart
we all do Prayers with our Heart and Soul...
............ ......... ......Ameen

Me and My Father


Me and My Father
When I was 4 Yrs Old : "My father is THE BEST
When I was 6 Yrs Old: "My father seems to know everyone
When I was 10 Yrs Old:" My father is excellent but he is short tempered
When I was 12 Yrs Old: "My father was nice when I was little
When I was 14 Yrs Old: "My father started being too sensitive
When I was 16 Yrs Old : "My father can't keep up with modern times

When I was 18 Yrs Old : "My father is getting less tolerant as the days pass by
When I was 20 Yrs Old :" It is too hard to forgive my father, how could my Mum stand him all these years
When I was 25 Yrs Old :" My father seems to be objecting to everything I do
When I was 30 Yrs Old: "It's very difficult to be in agreement with my father, I wonder if my Grandfather was troubled by my father when he was a youth
When I was 40 Yrs Old: "My father brought me up with a lot of discipline, I must do the same
When I was 45 Yrs Old: "I am puzzled, how did my father manage to raise all of us
When I was 50 Yrs Old : "It's rather difficult to control my kids, how much did my father suffer for the sake of upbringing and protecting us
When I was 55 Yrs Old:" My father was far looking and had wide plans for us, he was gentle and outstanding.
When I became 60 Yrs Old: "My father is THE BEST
Note that it took 56 Yrs to complete the cycle and return to the starting point " "My father is THE BEST "
Let's be good to our parents before it's too late and pray to Allaah that our own children will treat us even better than the way we treated our parents
Allah(SWT) says: "Your lord has decreed that you worship non but him and show kindness to parents. If one or both reach old age with you then do not say uff! To them nor repulse them, but speak graciously to them" {Surah Al-Isra: Ayah 23}
O our lord, forgive me and my parents and believers on the day when the reckoning shall come to pass. {Surah Ibrahim: Ayah 41}
O my Lord, have mercy on them (parents) just as they nourished me when I was small.{Surah Bani Irail: Ayah 24}



Locked box
I have this box that’s always locked

For I cannot find the key I need to open

Curiosity is starting to get to me

For in this box are the things I hide

For the emotions and memories I cannot face

For I have locked them away for too long

I search and search for the key I need

To unlock the emotions I hide away

So I cannot face the pain I feel

I find the key of which I seek

My heart begins to race

I’m scared to open the lock of the box

I face the fear I feel inside me

Open the lock that has began to fade

Over time of no use

The emotions are flowing out

Hitting me one by one

Like a physical blow

For I’ve hidden them away for so long

They started to build up on top of the other

For you shouldn’t hide away from the world

I now face emotions one by one

Slowly erasing the bad memories

And embracing the good ones

Allah is the Creator of This World

Publicado  Monday, October 11, 2010

Allah, ta^ala, said in the Qur’an:

Ayah 10 of Surah Ibrahim means: {There is no doubt about the existence of Allah.}

The first obligation on the mukallaf person is to know about Allah, ta^ala. Allah is the Creator of all the existent things and is the One Who manages all the creation. If, with our sound mind, we carefully think about all the creations and ponder about their existence, we must know that they have a Creator Who created them.

The mental proof that Allah (God) exists:
With the sound mind, we know irrefutably that every writing has to have a writer, the act of hitting has to have a hitter, and that a building has to have a builder. Therefore, it follows that this universe with all the creations in it has to have a creator Who is Alive, attributed with Will, Knowledge, and Power, and this is Allah. He is clear of all imperfections. He is the One Who does not resemble any of His creations, and nothing resembles Him. The sound mind does not accept the existence of an action without someone who carried it out.

It is not conceivable for nature to be the Creator, because nature has no will. So, how would nature create? It is also not permissible for something to create itself. Finally, something cannot create something that resembles it.

For example, the child is born small; he does not talk or walk. Then he develops. He starts gradually and slowly to talk and walk. Then he matures and becomes a young man, then middle-aged, then old, after which he dies. Who changed him and transformed him from one state to another? Allah is the One Who created and changed him, and willed for him to die.

A story of a man who denied the existence of Allah:
It is related that a man who denied the existence of the Creator came once to one of the caliphs and told him: "The scholars of your time say that there is a creator for this universe, and I am prepared to prove to them that this universe has no creator."

The caliph sent for one of the top scholars telling him of the man's claim and ordering him to come. The scholar was purposely late; then he came. The caliph welcomed him and seated him in the center of the session. Present at this meeting were many scholars and important people. So the man said: "Why were you late in your arrival?" The scholar said: "What if I tell you that a very strange matter occurred to me, and because of it I was late? My house is behind the river of Dijlah (Tigris). I came to cross the river, but I did not find anything other than an old boat with broken planks. When my gaze fell onto it, the planks moved, came together, and reassembled so that the boat became seaworthy. All this happened without the work of a carpenter or a worker. I sat in it, crossed the river, and came to this place.”

The man said: "O people, listen to what your scholar says. Have you heard anything more absurd than this? How can a boat exist without a carpenter to build it? This is an explicit lie."

The scholar said: "O blasphemer, if the mind does not accept the existence of a boat without a builder or carpenter, then how do you say that this entire universe exists without a creator?" The man became silent. He was refuted.

Muslim Mother


You may not have your finger
On today’s political pulse,
But you know with one glance
When your child’s got fever,

You may not take up arms
In the cause of holy jihad,
But when teaching your children their dua’s
You drill like the best of military sergeants,

You may not know the current economic climate
Boom time or recession,
But you make the best of nourishing meals
With whatever risq Allah has decreed,

You may not know the complicated laws
Of the country,
But you make sure your children know right from wrong,
Quite clear and simply,

You may not move in the elite circles
Of high society,
But your children are taught manners, respect
And correct Islamic etiquette,

You may not be at the forefront of technology
Discovery or even philosophy,
But the Quran and Sunnah are sufficient guide
Added to your common sense and practicality,

You may not be at the height of fashion,
But modesty and simplicity becomes you
Quite comfortably,
And your family is clothed respectably,

Your role is clearly defined,
Doubly refined,
Not merely to cook and clean,
Or even to earn a living,
But to nurture tomorrow’s ummah,
No small feat
No wonder Jannah lies beneath your feet.

When I Pray


When I pray I am overcome with peace and warmth
like heat radiating through my body on a December night.
From the darkness of the ignorant and shallow world
I bathe in the glory of Allah’s light.
In a world in which I face rejection and lonliness is my foe
I turn to Allah and in prayer I feel a closeness no wordly relationship can ever know.
It’s like a sweet, soothing sensation saving my soul
as mercy is showered upon a sinful being now not under the duniyas control.
The senseless noise around me diminishes into the vastness of the sky
as in Allah’s worship does my iman reign high.
My limbs lie in prostration,utter humility and submission to my Lord do I show
For pride and arrogance are Allah almighty’s cloak, not for me to bestow.
With my limbs I praise him, with my body I worship him, with my heart I turn to him.
This prayer I observe five times a day brings a light to my life that can never go dim.
Salaam is given to the angels so pure, a dua made from feelings so raw
Oh creator, to worship you is what this body is living and breathing for.



Two Guys were lost in the Sahara desert .
One is David, the other is Michael .

They were dying of hunger and thirst when they suddenly came upon an oasis, with what looked like an emirate with a mosque in the middle .

David said to Michael : "Look, let's pretend we are Muslims, otherwise we'll not get any food or drink. I am going to call myself "Mohammed."

Michael refused to change his name , he said :" My name is Michael, and I will not pretend to be other than but what I am. ...Michael."

The Imam of the mosque received both well and asked about their names. David said : "My name is Mohammed ."
Michael said : "My name is Michael. "

The Imam turned to the helpers of the mosque and said :
"Please bring some food and water for Michael only."

Then he turned to the other and said :
"Salaam Mohammed , Ramadan Mubarak!"


Publicado  Sunday, October 10, 2010

The King of a Middle Eastern fiefdom is invited to tea with Barack Obama.

He asks Obama: “As a well known and well liked leader in your country what is your leadership philosophy?”

Obama’s response was that he always surrounded himself with intelligent people.

The King asks how he knew if they were intelligent.

"I do so by asking them the right questions," says Obama. "Allow me to demonstrate."

The King watches as Obama phones his friend Nelson Mandela and says,

"Mr. President, please answer this question: Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or sister. Who is it?"

Nelson Mandela immediately responds, "It's me, Barack!"

"Correct. Thank you and good-bye" says Obama. He hangs up and says," Did you get that, sir?"

The King nods: "Yes Mr. Obama. Thanks a lot.

I'll definitely be using that!"

The King, upon returning to his country, decides he'd better put his political advisor Mula Nasruddin to the test.

He summons Mula Nasruddin to his palace and says,

"Nasruddin, I wonder if you can answer a question for me."

"Why, of course, sir. What's on your mind?"

The King poses the question: "Uhh, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

Mula Nasruddin was puzzled and finally asks, "Can I think about it and get back to you?"

The King agrees, and Mula Nasruddin leaves.

Mula Nasruddin immediately calls a meeting of senior religious advisors, and they puzzle over the question for several hours, but nobody can come up with an answer.

Finally, in desperation, Nasruddin calls his Mufti and explains the problem.

"Mufti, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is not your brother or your sister.. Who is it?"

The Mufti answers immediately, "It's me, of course."

Much relieved, Mula Nasruddin rushes back to the Palace, gets an audience with the King, and exclaims, "I know the answer, sir! I know who it is!

It's our Mufti!"

And the King replies in disgust, "Wrong, it's Nelson Mandela!"

50 things to know about marriage


50 things to know about marriage

1. Great relationships don’t just happen; they are created. You have to work at it.

2. If your job takes all of your best energy, your marriage will suffer.

3. One of the greatest gifts you can give your spouse is your own happiness.

4. It is possible to love and hate someone at the same time.

5. When you complain about your spouse to your friends (which you shouldn’t), remember that their feedback can be distorted.

6. The only rules in your marriage are those you both choose to agree with.

7. It is not conflict that destroys marriage; it is the cold, smoldering resentment that you hold for a long time.

8. It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you do with what you have.

9. If you think you are too good for your spouse, think again.

10. Growing up in a happy household doesn’t ensure a happy marriage, or vice versa.

11. It’s never too late to repair damaged trust.

12. The real issue is usually not the one you are arguing about.

13. Love isn’t just a feeling; it is expressed through our actions.

14. Expectations set us up for disappointment and resentment.

15. Arguments cannot be avoided, but destructive arguments can be avoided.

16. One of the greatest gifts you can give your spouse is focused attention.

17. Even people with happy marriages sometimes worry that they married the wrong person.

18. Your spouse cannot rescue you from unhappiness, but they can help you rescue yourself.

19. The cost of a lie is far greater than any advantage you gain from speaking it.

20. Your opinion is not necessarily the truth.

21. Trust takes years to establish and moments to destroy.

22. Guilt-tripping won’t get you what you really want.

23. Don’t neglect your friends.

24. If you think, “You are not the person I married,” you are probably right.

25. Resisting the temptation to prove your point will win you a lot of points.

26. Generosity of spirit is the foundation of a good marriage.

27. If your spouse is being defensive, you might be giving them reasons to be like that.

28. Marriage isn’t 50/50; it’s 100/100.

29. You can pay now or pay later, but the later you pay, the more interest and penalties you acquire.

30. Marriage requires sacrifice, but your benefits outweigh your costs.

31. Forgiveness isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous process.

32. Accepting the challenges of marriage will shape you into a better person.

33. Creating a marriage is like launching a rocket: once it clears the pull of gravity, it takes much less energy to sustain the flight.

34. A successful marriage has more to do with how you deal with your current reality than with what you’ve experienced in the past.

35. Don’t keep feelings of gratitude to yourself.

36. There is no greater eloquence than the silence of real listening.

37. One of the greatest questions to ask your spouse is “How best can I love you?”

38. Marriage can stay fresh over time.

39. Assumptions are fine as long as you check them before acting upon them.

40. Intention may not be the only thing, but it is the most important thing.

41. Good sex won’t make your marriage, but it’ll help.

42. Privacy won’t hurt your marriage, but secrecy will.

43. Possessiveness and jealousy are born out of fear, not love.

44. Authenticity is contagious and habit-forming.

45. If your spouse thinks something is important, then it is.

46. Marriage never outgrows the need for romance.

47. The sparkle of a new relationship is always temporary.

48. There is violence in silence when it’s used as a weapon.

49. It’s better to focus on what you can do to make things right, then what your partner did to make things wrong.

50. If you think marriage counseling is too expensive, try divorce.



I know I'm heard, I feel ill with fear.

I bow with knowledge, the end is near.

I think of Qiamah, my heart just hurts.

what can I expect to witness first?

where will I go?....who will I be...

when the angel of death comes seeking me?

what can I say, to justify all?

right now I am feeling incredibly small.

no one can help me, no one can stand...

take all of the blame, or even take hold of my hand.

I am alone, but Allah will have mercy.

for he let's me drink when I am so thirsty.

He feeds me life, and has always given me ease,

given me roads and doors with their keys.

I have always come out okay in the end.

when I realized Islam was my only true friend.

hotel kutuma fraud job

Publicado  Sunday, October 3, 2010

From The Hotel Kutuma Canada
Address: 3708 St. Denis, H2X 3L7,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fax / + 1-270-342-2484 } Tel / +1 - 507- 407- 8031 }

Sir, Madam,
As per above request we need manpower to work in The Kutuma Hotel in Canada .
The total requirements will be 50 workers. Employees that have the ability to work hard only need to apply and must come from non-criminal origin and must agreed to abide by the hotels rules and regulations.
Details needed:

Bio-data of these workers in advance for us to do the shortlist before conduction of interview. Also important they must speak some English and french during the oral interview. They will be tested on the spot and interviewed by the hotel management. Salary: is very attractive depending on experience to be found in our salary and benefit scales in-which will be forwarded to you for your perusal. Enjoy a very competitive benefits package, including: competitive pay, medical & dental, 401k, vacation & holidays, meals & uniforms. Pr-employment drug screenings and background checks will be performed on all candidates.

How to apply? You can apply for any position by contacting me back with your full resume (CV): Please send me your CV and current full photo image. Email Id: recruitment.hotelkutuma@yahoo.ca

The important thing here is speed. The hotel management wants the whole visa process be settled within 1 month time. The Kutuma Hotel are an Equal Opportunities employer workers ,The Kutuma hotel is a wonderful place. The staffs are friendly and always happy to accommodate. If you can meet our requirement? Please reply for further procedures. The management will take care of your feeding, accommodation including your air ticket. We will provide some relevant backup documents to enable the applicant get his or her visa at Canadian-Embassy in the applicants Present country of residence; visa will be issued
upon approval from Canada-Immigration Visa Affairs Home Office.

The Kutuma Hotel Ltd: Registered in Canada :
Registered Number 10343600.
Mr.James Brown
The Kutuma Hotel Human Resources Manager Canada
This is the fraud email sent to many innocent people in bulk to trap them, Kutuma Hotel is a genuine hotel whose name is used by cyber criminals to trap people. Its a fraud conducted by cyber criminals so all you need to be care full and should not sent any kind of information such as passport, ID card or any official documents to these mail address as you can see that criminals use only yahoo ID rather then hotel own domain ID. Be aware and keep safe your self.