Publicado  Sunday, October 10, 2010

I know I'm heard, I feel ill with fear.

I bow with knowledge, the end is near.

I think of Qiamah, my heart just hurts.

what can I expect to witness first?

where will I go?....who will I be...

when the angel of death comes seeking me?

what can I say, to justify all?

right now I am feeling incredibly small.

no one can help me, no one can stand...

take all of the blame, or even take hold of my hand.

I am alone, but Allah will have mercy.

for he let's me drink when I am so thirsty.

He feeds me life, and has always given me ease,

given me roads and doors with their keys.

I have always come out okay in the end.

when I realized Islam was my only true friend.