John Elway

Publicado  Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway and a business accomplice invested $15 actor with a hedge-fund administrator who was afresh arrested for active a Ponzi scheme.
The Denver Post appear that the two invested $15 actor with Sean Mueller in March with the compassionate that the money would be placed in a assurance until a final accommodation was fabricated about area it would be invested.
About 65 humans had invested $71 actor with Mueller over the accomplished decade. Yet in April, Mueller alone had $9.5 million, according to a accompaniment investigator. He angry himself in to authorities on Wednesday on accuse of racketeering, balance artifice and theft, and is getting captivated in bastille on $2 actor bond.
Elway and his accomplice accept asked that their affirmation be candy advanced of any added investors' because their $15 actor was declared to be placed in a trust, not affiliated with the money of the blow of the barrier fund. According to an April filing, $12 actor of Elway's money was placed into a Morgan Stanley assurance account, as expected. The added $3 actor has gone missing.
Since backward from football, Elway's claimed activity has veered against the tragic. His ancestor died of a affection attack, his accompanying sister anesthetized abroad due to blight and his wife larboard him all in a amount of 15 months.